2023/1/1/ · Currently, the research on composting technology mainly focuses on the process parameters of composting, composting additives, control of compost nutrient loss from composting, etc [26]. The ultimate goal is to obtain efficient, safe and green organic fertilizer products and to increase the efficiency of resource utilization of organic waste.
2023/1/1/ · Biochar-compost or biochar-complemented compost, a synergic (Fischer and Glaser, 2012) amendment developed by combining biochars and compost, is being explored these days (Agegnehu et al., 2017).This combination can ensure stable and labile carbon (Jindo et al., 2012b; Khan et al., 2014) and an increased amount of nutrients needed for degraded
2023/1/1/ · Cattle manure-food waste-sewage sludge CH 4 603 LCH 4 /kg VS feed Marañón et al. (2012) Cattle manure-organic kitchen waste CH 4 14,653.5 mL/g-VS Tamrat and Amare (2013) Cattle manure-food waste CH 4 1.40–1.53 L CH 4 /LR/d Agyeman and Tao (2014)
2023/6/5/ · Xu Z, Li R, Wu S, He Q, Ling Z, Liu T, Wang Q, Zhang Z, Quan F (2022) Cattle manure compost humification process by inoculation ammonia-oxidizing bacteria. Bioresour Technol 344:126314 Article CAS Google Scholar Yadav A, Garg VK.
Abstract: On-farm composting of agro-livestock wastes can be considered the most appropriate method for their recycling. Pile turning is one of the most widely used aeration systems for on-farm composting. However, this system has long composting periods
2023/7/19/ · Bacteria: Bacteria are the primary decomposers in composting. They break down complex organic forms into simpler forms, releasing nutrients and generating heat. Examples include Bacillus, Pseudomonas, and Actinobacteria. Fungi: Fungi, such as Aspergillus and Penicillium, contribute to the breakdown of cellulose and lignin, enhancing the
2020/11/25/ · 3.4 International experience The technology for cattle manure-based bedding production was first tested in the 1970s on the farms located in USA arid western regions [].Due to the high risk of bacterial load on animals, additional processing steps were included in
2024/2/14/ · The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (United Nations, 2015) noted the urgency of effective and equitable adaptation and mitigation actions to tackle climate change.The European Council aims to reduce 55% GHG emissions from 1990 levels by 2030 (European Commission, 2020).).
2021/7/15/ · It has always been challenging to model gas emissions from MMSs due to the variability in farming practices that affect the manure physio-chemical characteristics (Owen and Silver, 2015).Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) emission factors (Tier 1, 2, and 3) are widely used to predict gas emissions; however, in some studies (Lory et al., 2010; Owen …