BGK and RAL. Bundesgütegemeinschaft Kompost e.V. (BGK) is a self-obligatory measurement of the industry and is recognised by the responsible legal authorities. BGK was founded in 1989. The RAL quality assurance for compost was established in Germany in 1991. RAL-quality labels identify a standardised and regularly checked product.
To Apply: 1) Contact the USCC STA Program Manager with your interest. 2) Sign the STA Certified Compost rules contract through the online form. 3) Give us a copy of the first page of your facility operating permit. 4) Give us your STA Certified Compost product info. 5) Begin following product testing guidelines - the testing process requires 3
A compost test is used to evaluate compost quality for use as a soil amendment or as a component of potting mixes. Test results are typically used to characterize the beneficial physical and chemical properties and identify potential problems with compost use. TPS Lab employs testing procedures from the U.S. Compost Council’s Test for
The Solid Waste Composting Council is also developing general guidelines that will propose limits for compost stability, soluble salts, pathogens, pH, heavy metals, inerts, and film plastic and will recommend sampling protocols, analytical , and other elements of a quality assurance plan. While these and other resources are useful
The Seal of Testing Assurance (STA) Program helps you make the best decision for your application. Similar to a nutrition label, the STA Program’s Compost Technical Data Sheet (CTDS) includes test results, a list of ingredients, and recommended directions for use. The STA Program provides checks and balances within the STA Lab and Participant
The US Composting Council’s Seal of Testing Assurance Program "STA" is a compost testing, labeling and information disclosure program designed to give you the information you need to get the maximum benefit from the use of compost. The program was created in 2000 and its method of testing and certifying compost is considered a gold standard
Establishing a quality assurance system for compost and digestate from bio-waste can help to decrease the amount of biodegradable waste being landfilled and to increase material recycling. Germany has been successfully operating such a system since 1989, comprising also an organisation with the competence to control the quality of compost and
Jan 1, 2023 · The price of vermicompost is highly defined by quality, packaging, and unit size with price ranging from $200 to $1000 per ton. In developing countries due to lack of proper la belling of nutrients content on packaging market value of vermicompost lies around $0.08 per kg in country like Uganda [13].
Based on current markets, bulk compost costs anywhere from $15 to $35 per cubic yard. For a typical compost filter berm with a bottom width of 3 feet and height of 1.5 feet (AASHTO, 2017), the cost would be $1.25 to $2.90 per linear foot plus labor costs for installation (RSMeans, 2019).
The Quality Manual includes the requirements for the conformity assessment of national quality assurance organisations and for composting and digestion plants. The Quality Manual is divided in three main parts: Part A describes the general target and structure of the European Quality Assurance Scheme (ECN-QAS).
The Compost Council of Canada is the national non-profit, member-driven organization dedicated to advocating and advancing organics residuals recycling and compost use. The Council serves as the central resource and network for the compost and organics recycling industry in Canada and, through its members, contributes to the environmental sustainability of the communities in which they operate.