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How to ferment livestock manure into organic fertilizer?


What Is Composting?

Composting is a bio degradation process. Microorganisms convert organic matter into a substance similar to soil under controlled conditions. Organic materials that can be used to make compost include food waste, leaves, wood, manure, paper and sewage sludge. Decomposition of organic materials is a dynamic and natural process. The difference between them is that composting can control the decomposition conditions.

Natural Compost Fermentation.

Many farmers opt for traditional methods of composting and fermenting these livestock manures naturally, but traditional methods inevitably have negative effects. Conventional composting and fermenting livestock manure, the composting time is long, generally 4-6 months, if the temperature is low, the composting time is long, and the fermentation effect is not ideal.

During the composting process, it needs to occupy an area for a long time, which will also cause certain pollution to the surrounding environment. Especially in the high temperature season, the odor produced by composting is unpleasant; It is difficult to transport, and the manure produced by natural composting and fermentation contains harmful substances such as pathogenic bacteria and insect eggs. If manure is applied, it will affect the growth of seedlings.


What is Organic Fertilizer Fermentation Tank?

The Fermentation Tank is a fully enclosed, vertical composting and fermentation equipment. And it belongs to air-clean anaerobic fermentation system. It is widely used to process organic waste into organic fertilizer. And is suitable for various kinds of organic waste. For example, It can treat pig manure, chicken manure, cow manure, food waste,municipal sludge,agricultural waste and so on.

chicken Manure Fermentation Tanks

How the Fermentation Tank works?

This tank adopts the principle of aerobic microbial fermentation. It can enable microorganisms to utilize organic matter and residual proteins in animal feces and corpses. Then rapidly reproduce in a certain temperature, humidity, and sufficient oxygen environment. Thereby achieving harmless treatment of animal manure, bacterial bran, and crop straw.




Organic Fertilizer Fermentation Tank.

Bolong organic fertilizer fermentation tank equipment is suitable for the treatment of different manure, livestock and poultry carcasses, kitchen waste, and sludge. The moisture content of organic waste is less than 70%, and it can be directly put into the tank for fermentation without adding auxiliary materials.

Bolong organic fertilizer fermentation tank equipment adopts a vertical closed tank structure, which reduces the installation area and has a total volume of 102 square meters, which can meet the treatment needs of large farms. After starting to discharge, organic fertilizer raw materials can be produced every day after that, and the benefits are huge.

pig manure composting machineCommercial composting machines

Outstanding advantages of Bolong Organic Fertilizer Fermentation Tank.

1. High temperature aerobic.

2. Space saving.

3. Economical and energy-efficient.

4. fast fermentation.

5. Strong adaptability.

6. Environmentally friendly.

7. Quality assurance.

8. Fertilizer quality assurance.



How to choose a reliable composting tank manufacturer?

If you want to commercialize your bio compost fertilizer. It’s best to equip your composting plant with a composting bagging machine. You can choose composting bag machines from domestic bag machine manufacturing suppliers. Or directly purchase from your own composting machine manufacturer. The latter option is the best suggestion for most customers. Because your needs will let you know which compost bagging facilities are right for your plant! And the machines they provide you with are also of better quality and performance.

The composting tanks produced by Bolong are not only cost-effective but also of good quality. We need customized services and solutions for your composting factory. Please feel free to contact us at any time. If you have any interest or need for our products, please feel free to send us a consultation at any time!

Can compost production be commercialized?
Composting refers to the process of converting organic waste into stable and harmless organic fertilizer under the action of microorganisms. It can reduce waste treatment costs, improve soil quality, and achieve resource recycling. It is widely used in many fields. Composting not only contributes to the sustainable development of agriculture, but also reduces environmental pollution and improves ecological benefits. In this way, the commercialization of compost production has development prospects. Let's analyze it in detail.       Large market demand  
Bolong 280 Compost Tank: Waste Solutions for Large-Scale Breeding
There are 11 types of compost tank produced by Bolong, which can meet the needs of different scale breeding enterprises. Among them, Model 280 is the largest daily processing capacity of our company's compost tanks, and it is also the largest compost tank on the market at present, which is in the leading position in the industry.     About 280 Compost Tank   Product principle: The equipment adopts the aerobic matter and fermentation principle of aerobic microorganisms,so that the microorganisms use the organic matter and residual protein in livestock and poultry manure
Chicken manure – a “valuable resource” in agricultural production

As a major by-product of animal husbandry, chicken manure has always been regarded as a “waste” that needs to be disposed of properly. However, with the increasing emphasis on environmental protection, chicken manure is being re-recognised and developed as a “valuable resource” in agricultural production. As a professional manufacturer of high temperature aerobic digester, we would like to show you how to use chicken manure to create more value for your agricultural business.

Bolong was founded in 1993, since then we have been committed to modernized livestock and poultry breeding.We established Hebi Bolong livestock Husbandry Machinery Co., Ltd. in 2012, an enterprise specialized in R&D production of automatic farm equipment, which takes the practicability and reliability as the starting point.In 2015, the company respond to the national call of environmental protection, then successfully developed a new type of high-temperature aerobic compost tank for the harmless treatment of poultry manure,solve the phenomenon of dirty, messy, smelly for farms thoroughly .
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